Buy Isotonitazene, One novel that has not yet been banned is Isotonitazene. However, the number of deaths is on the rise. Many deaths in the United States have been linked to a new, legal synthetic opioid that is just as deadly as fentanyl. The discovery of isotonitazene in the North American food chain seems to validate concerns raised last year that laboratory pharmaceuticals responsible for the country's opioid problem would not be stopped.
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World-leading forensic toxicology expert Barry K. Logan, chief scientist of the NMS laboratories, reported that since last August, his colleagues have found isotonitazene, the same substance as fentanyl, in samples from over 200 drug users who died in the U.S. Northeast and Midwest. Logan explained, "The most common and widely used new drug in the United States is isotonitazene."
currently reports 40 to 50 deaths each month in the United States related to isotonitazene, up from about six deaths in the summer.
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Logan stated that while his team only discovered twelve new opioids in the US last year, isotonitazene quickly gained notoriety. "Isotonitazene is the drug that is on the rise; most of the new ones we see once or twice. "Buy Isotonitazene
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Canada is also affected. In March, isotonitazene was discovered in 1,900 counterfeit prescription pills in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. The drug was made into hydromorphone-like pills. Dilaudid, also known as Oxycontin, is a widely sought-after synthetic opioid.
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